The skin grows things When you're not paying attention. You expected the loss of collagen, And maybe accept it, But the tiny silver cactus needles, That emerged beneath your eye overnight, Those weren't in the manual. This is your right eye, The eye with the crows feet. The mole just below Your right orbital rim Was never without a most stubborn and persistent Stiff black hair. Only the two white ones are new. This is your right side. This was never your good side. The left side has the dimple And smooth eye. The pores on the left Aren't as clogged. The left side was always your good side, Now, it is your young side. You can tell by the eyebrow ring scars. You didn't expect your freckles to join, Forming age spots. You didn't expect to see them all over your body. You expected your breasts and buttocks to sag, But were mesmerized When you first noticed that gravity Has the same effect on your abdomen and thi...